Whale Rider


This film was quite an emotional journey for me. I really appreciate the values it brought to surface. For most of the film, my heart hurt for Paikea and the injustice and trials she was living through. The words and actions of Koro (her grandfather) were beyond hurtful. To watch how the effects of his skewed expectations hurt those around him was torturous for me. It is unfair to put so much emphasis and pride in solely the chosen males of the group while disrespecting and ignoring the females. It angered me. I constantly was asking myself why Paikea chose to stay around. Why did she endure so much for such little respect and love in return?


The turning point in the film gave me my answer. Paikea’s speech taught me the intricacies of her character, and for the first time in the film, I could understand the emotions driving her passion. My mind was blown when she spoke the words through muffled tears, claiming the love and respect for her grandfather despite everything. This kind of admiration is beautiful, a type that comes without judgement, without grudge. She displayed such perfect respect, even though she received none in return. That is something so rare and profound I can barely begin to comprehend it. I loved her inspiration, her drive, and her spirit. Her power was full and large throughout her speech even though she was otherwise submerged by the constraints of expectations of her gender. I loved the tenderness she displayed, her vulnerability was key to her character. It demonstrated humility that is necessary to achieve the message she was proclaiming. She says:

“If the knowledge is given to everyone, we can have lots of leaders, and soon everybody can be strong, not just the chosen ones.”


It was my favorite part of the entire film, when she spoke those words. I cannot agree more with her. She speaks with such confidence and maturity but also with such humility. She understands that greatness is inside of everyone, and no one should be hindered in any way. She understands that a group does not need one leader, but many leadership roles working together. Coming from such a humble individual, it was truly a beautiful scene.

Despite that no one listened to her for most of the story, I am beyond grateful for the way the community responded to her actions in the end. I love that they began to trust her. I love that they listened to her wisdom and started to include all people in leadership and rituals. I love that they seemed to be moving forward from blind tradition. The togetherness we saw in the end will be more of a strength source than one male chief could ever have been.


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